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Tune in Saturday, May 31st.

Dear Listener,
Drop what you're doing and pull up a chair at the Mighty House round table.
We are joined by Deborah Leydig of Norton's USA All-American Store in Barrington. Deborah's shop sells only American made products! How cool is that!! So grab a coffee (Irish if you like) and grab a telephone because Mighty House Radio is on the air baby! Dial us up at 773-763-9278 and say "hi" to Trixie. She will put you in the cue and, before you know it, Ron, Robbie, and Rich will be in your ear and on the air.

Check out our Facebook page and don't forget to visit our sponsors. The Mighty House Team wants to hear from you.

Until next Saturday.....
Keep it Square and Level,
Ron, Rich, Robbie & The Mighty House Team.


Mighty House® - the most fun you can have with home improvement!

Funny, friendly experts with serious answers and great ideas to help with all of your home improvement projects.

Join Ron Cowgill, along with Rich Cowgill, Robbie Erhardt and the Mighty House® team each Saturday morning and get help with all of your home improvement and repair issues.

If you have questions we’re as close as a phone call away, and if you don’t want to wait until Saturday then just send us an e-mail – if we read it on the air we’ll enter you into any drawing we’re having that day, so not only will you get good answers and advice, but you may also win a prize.

Don’t forget that you can tune in Mighty House® even when you’re traveling - Listen live just by going to our website and clicking the “Listen Live" headphones at the top of the site. You can listen to any show anytime simply by going to the “Radio Shows” page on our website and choosing a show to listen to.

No matter how you keep up with us, we look forward to having you as part of our Mighty House® Team. Remember to KEEP IT SQUARE AND LEVEL until next week.

Funny, friendly experts with serious answers and great ideas to help with all of your home improvement projects.

The Most Fun you can have with home improvement

Join Ron Cowgill, along with Rich Cowgill, Robbie Erhardt and the Mighty House速 team and get help with all of your home improvement and repair issues.