HERS and Mine, What’s HERS going to cost you?You may not know much about it now but HERS ratings are here and are not going away. Home Energy Rating Score. They have been built into the 2015 IECC. Now, how and when it will affect you will may vary on when the code is adopted […]
HERS and Mine What’s HERS going to cost you?
November 19, 2016Category: Green Stuff, Heating and Cooling, Insulation, Siding, Uncategorized, Windows, Doors and Trim
Tags: bad windows, Climate zone, cold house, Doors, Drafts, Drafty home, Energy Audit, geographic area, HERS, HERS Rating, Home Audit, home energy, Home inspection, hot house, Mine, windows | Comments Off on HERS and Mine What’s HERS going to cost you?